Inland Podiatry Group

Our Services / Ingrown Nail & Fungal Treatment

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Ingrown Nail & Fungal Treatment services offered in Riverside, CA

If you develop an ingrown toenail or a fungal infection, comprehensive podiatric treatment can reduce the risk of complications and provide long-term relief. At Inland Podiatry Group, expert podiatrist Jeremy Busch, DPM, and the team offer several treatment options for ingrown nails and fungal infections. To make an appointment, call the practice in Riverside, California, or use the online booking feature today.

Ingrown Nail & Fungal Treatment Q & A

What is ingrown nail treatment?

Ingrown nail treatment is a group of outpatient procedures that treat ingrown toenails. An ingrown nail occurs when your toenail grows into the skin surrounding your nail bed instead of out and away from your toe.

Ingrown nails are a common issue, but if you have diabetes or another condition that affects your circulation, they’re more likely to become infected or gangrenous. Early intervention and treatment can reduce the risk of these and other issues, ensuring your feet and toes stay healthy.

What is nail fungal treatment?

Nail fungus, also known as onychomycosis, is a fungal infection of the nail bed that causes discoloration, yellow spots, and brittleness that can cause nail separation. When nail fungus grows unchecked, it can also cause foul smells or pain.


Onychomycosis occurs in 10% of the general population. The incidence rate for this condition increases to 20% for persons older than 60, and 50% for those older than 70 years of age. Treatment can vary, including oral antifungal drugs, medicated nail polish, creams, laser therapy, or nail removal.

When should I be seen for ingrown nail or fungal treatment?

Make an appointment for ingrown nail or fungal treatment at Inland Podiatry Group if you experience symptoms like:

  • Swelling around your toenail
  • Pain and tenderness
  • Redness around your toenail
  • Discoloration of the toenails
  • Cracking or brittle toenails
  • Infection of the tissue around your nail

Following a review of your medical history and an exam, the Inland Podiatry Group team can make treatment recommendations.

What causes ingrown toenails or nail fungus?

Ingrown toenails affect people of all ages and races, but several factors may increase your risk, including wearing tight shoes that push your toes together, cutting your toenails at an angle instead of straight across, or injuring your toenails.


Several types of fungi cause fungal nail infections. The most common fungus responsible for the condition are dermatophytes, but yeasts and molds also can cause nail infections. Nail infections tend to be common in older patients and athletes.

What does ingrown nail treatment involve?

Before making recommendations for ingrown nail treatment, your Inland Podiatry Group provider reviews your medical history and asks about your symptoms, including when they started, if they’re more intense at certain times of the day, and if wearing a specific pair of shoes makes them worse.

Next, your provider has you take off your shoes and socks and carefully examine your toes. They might also order X-rays to determine how far the nail has grown into your skin.  

After determining the severity of your ingrown nail, your provider develops a custom treatment plan. Depending on your needs, they might recommend:

Lifting the nail

If your ingrown nail is only slightly red or mildly painful, your provider lifts it with a piece of dental floss or a toothpick. By creating a splint and lifting the nail, your nail grows out and away from your toe. 

Partially removing the nail

If you have an ingrown nail that’s infected and oozing pus, your provider might recommend removing part of it. First, your provider numbs your toe with a local anesthetic and then uses special tools to remove the ingrown portion causing the infection.

Completely removing the nail

If you regularly experience ingrown nails on the same toe, the team at Inland Podiatry Group might recommend removing the nail. There are several ways to do that, including laser treatment and chemical applications.

To learn more about the benefits of ingrown nail treatment, or nail fungus treatment, make an appointment at Inland Podiatry Group by calling the office or clicking the online booking feature today.